SF6 gas regarding the waste legislation
Requirements by the waste legislation regarding the disposal of SF6 gas
There is a clear definition in place when something formally counts as waste in the waste legislation §3 (1) Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz KrWG (life-cycle management law). As soon as the owner has the intention of discarding something, so wanting to give up something and not wanting it back, tate thing falls under the definition of waste and the legal regulations regarding transport, certification of remain and handling need to be considered.
Recycling and reusing SF6 gas (known as ReUse) is only compatible with the waste legislation, when there is no intention of discarding. This means, when a company has SF6 gas, gives it away for treating and takes it back to reuse it, the gas was never waste and does not fall under the regulations of the waste legislation. If used SF6 gas is given to a provider without taking it back after treatment, there is intention of discarding the gas, which means the regulations by waste legislation including obligations regarding certifications while transporting and treating need to be followed.
The same principal transfers to plants filled with SF6 gas. They do not count as waste when they are given away for inspection or maintenance. Only when the decision to dispose of the plants is made, they fall under the waste legislation and it’s regulations need to be considered. SF6 gas has the waste code 16 05 05 as long as it contains less than 250 ppm of SO2 equivalent decomposition products. As soon as this limit is exceeded, it has the waste code 16 05 04* and is regarded as hazardous waste. This means it has to be handled accordingly and needs to be documented in the electronic accompanying document procedure according to NachwV.